Bergman Publications

Dr Nils Bergman’s publications

Trends in Target Diseases 1960 – 1986 at Manama Hospital
Dip.CHDC Dissertation: Swedish, ICH Uppsala University

The “kangaroo-method” for treating low birth weight babies in a developing country
Tropical Doctor, April 1994, 24: 57-60

Reduction of posterior dislocation of the hip
Tropical Doctor, July 1994, 24: 134-135

A “treatment score” for primary and pulmonary tuberculosis
Central African Journal of Medicine, 1995; 41: 1-6

Opistophthalmus glabrifrons scorpion envenomation
South African Medical Journal, 1996; 86: 981-982

Scorpion sting in Zimbabwe
South African Medical Journal, Feb 1997, 87:163-167

Clinical description of Parabuthus transvaalicus scorpionism in Zimbabwe
Toxicon, May 1997 35; 759-771

Observations on newborn Parabuthus transvaalicus Purcell, 1899
(with Moira FitzPatrick)

Kangaroo mother care in low-income countries
Adriano Cattaneo, Riccardo Davanzo, Nils Bergman Nathalie Charpak
Journal of Tropical Paediatrics 1998; 44: 279- 282

Introducing kangaroo-mother care
Pedmed 1998 Sept/Oct: 9-10

Making newborn care work
Child Health Dialogue 1998, Issue 11:p4

Kangaroo Mother Care
Hann M, Malan A, Kronson M, Bergman N, Huskisson R.
South African Medical Journal, 1999 Vol 89; 37-40

Kangaroo Mother Care in the Nursery
Kirsten GF, Bergman NJ, Hann FM.
Pediatric Clinics of North America, 2001 Vol 48(2) 443 – 454
Reference list

Early skin-to-skin contact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants.
Anderson GC, Moore E, Hepworth JT, Bergman N

Cochrane Collaboration Systematic review (in press online)
In: The Cochrane Library, April, 2003. Oxford: Update Software. Updated Quarterly.

Advancing in Leaps and Bounds: Update on recent Developments in kangaroo Mother Care (KMC)
Hann M, Bergman N, Malan A.
MCH News, April 2003 Issue number 19; 2

News from the regions – South Africa; Fourth International Workshop on Kangaroo Mother Care (letter)
Bergman NJ, Malan AF, Hann FM
Journal of Tropical Pediatrics, 2003 Vol 49(5);311-312

Patient population movement in a Cape Town Obstetric service
I. Human, M Kroon, N Bergman, S Fawcus, B Ntwana
South African Medical Journal 2003 Vol 93(9); 634

Randomized controlled trial of skin-to-skin contact from birth versus conventional incubator care for physiological stabilisation in  1200- and 2199-gram newborns
Bergman NJ, Linley LL, Fawcus SR
Acta Paediatrica 2004  Vol 93(6); 779-785

The Perinatal Mental Health Project
Honikman S, Rosenthal H, Faure S, Wirz B, van Zijl S, Littlejohn M, Bergman N, Fawcus S.
In: Mental health promotion: Case Studies from Countries. A joint publication of the World Federation for Mental Health and the World Health organisation. Eds S Saxena, PJ Garrison, World Health Organisation, 2004. 83-86.

Le portage kangourou (French)
Bergman NJ
Les Dossiers de l’allaitement (hors serie) (edited by LLL France)  March 2005, 12-21

“More than a cuddle: skin-to-skin contact is key”
Nils Bergman
The Practising Midwife 2005 Vol 8(9): 29

The relation between early mother-infant skin-to-skin contact and later maternal sensitivity in South African mothers of low birth weight infants
Bigelow AE, Littlejohn M, Bergman N, McDonald C.
Infant Mental health Journal, 2010 Vol 31(3); 358-377

State of the art and recommendations Kangaroo mother care: application in a high-tech environment
Nyqvist,K.; Anderson,G.; Bergman,N.; Cattaneo,A.; Charpak,N.; Davanzo,R. et al
Acta Paediatrica, 2010, Jun;99(6):812-9. Epub 2010 Mar 8

Towards universal Kangaroo Mother Care: recommendations and report from the First European conference and Seventh International Workshop on Kangaroo Mother Care
Nyqvist,K.H.; Anderson,G.C.; Bergman,N.; Cattaneo,A.; Charpak,N.; Davanzo,R.
Acta Paediatr. 2010 Jun;99(6):820-6. Epub 2010 Mar 6

Kangaroo Care for the Preterm Infant
Bergman N, Carney G, Ludington-Hoe S
Infant Child and adolescent Nutrition 2010 Vol 2(3); 165-169

“Are our eyes bigger than A Baby’s Stomach?”
Bergman N
Sensitive Midwifery Magazine, 2011 14 (July Sept): 20-22.

Neuroscience speaks to quality of neonatal outcomes
Bergman N
Paediatric Focus, Volume 2, No2 May 2011, 8-9

“Should Neonates Sleep Alone?”
Morgan BE, Horn A, Bergman NJ.
Biological Psychiatry, 2011 Vol 70:817–825

“Early skin-to-skin contact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants (Review)”
Moore ER, Anderson GC, Bergman N, Dowswell T.
Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2012, Issue 5
Art. No.: CD003519. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003519.pub3

“Whose Choice? Advocating Birthing Practices Accoding to Baby’s Biological Needs
Bergman J, Bergman NJ.
Journal of Perinatal Education, 2013 Vol 22(1):8-13

“Neonatal stomach volume and physiology suggest feeding at hour intervals”       Bergman N.   Acta Paediatr 2013 Vol 102(8): 773-777

“The neuroscience of birth–and the case for Zero Separation.”   Bergman NJ.   Curationis. 2014 Nov 28;37(2):e1-e4. doi: 10.4102/curationis.v37i2.1440.

“Kangaroo Mother Care in African countries.”  Bergman NJ.   Acta Paediatr. 2015 Dec;104(12):1208-10. doi: 10.1111/apa.12933.

“Neuroprotective core measures 1-7 : neuroprotection of skin-to-skin contact (SSC)”.    Bergman N.     Newborn Infant Nurs Rev. 2015;15(3):5

“Newly born low birthweight infants stabilise better in skin-to-skin contact than when separated from their mothers: a randomised controlled trial.”   Chi Luong K, Long Nguyen T, Huynh Thi DH, Carrara HP, Bergman NJ.    Acta Paediatr. 2016 Apr;105(4):381-90. doi: 10.1111/apa.13164. Epub 2015 Oct 15.

“Proposal for mechanisms of protection of supine sleep against sudden infant death syndrome: an integrated mechanism review.”   Bergman NJ.   Pediatr Res. 2015;77(1-1):10-19.

“Hypothesis on supine sleep, sudden infant death syndrome reduction and association with increasing autism incidence.”   Bergman NJ.    World Journal of Clinical Pediatrics. 2016;5(3):330.

“Early skin-to-skin contact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants (Review).”     Moore ER, Bergman NJ, Anderson GC,Medley N.    Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2016,  Art No: CD003519. 2016(11):159.

“Breastfeeding insights from Heart Rate Variability and Impedance Cardiography in neonates”    Bergman NJ     Poster presented at the Academy Breastfeeding medicine Annual Meeting 2017.

“European standards of care for newborn health:  Very early and continuous skin-to-skin contact”   (2019)”     Bergman NJ, Westrup B, Kuhn P, Daly M, Bertoncelli N, Caballero S, König K  (accessed 190215)

“Historical background to maternal-neonate separation and neonatal care”   Bergman NJ,    Birth Defects Research, 2019 Vol 111(15):1081-1086

“Birth practices: Maternal-neonate separation as a source of toxic stress”    Bergman NJ.    Birth Defects Research, 2019 Vol 111(15):1087-1109

“Nurturescience versus neuroscience: A case for rethinking perinatal mother-infant   behaviors and relationship”    Bergman NJ, Ludwig RJ, Westrup B, Welch MG.    Birth Defects Research, 2019 Vol 111(15):1110-1127

“Impact of continuous Kangaroo Mother Care initiated immediately after birth (iKMC) on survival of newborns with birth weight between 1.0 to <1.8 kg: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial”   Authors: WHO Immediate KMC Study Group (group authorship).  Trials, 2020 Vol 21(1): 280

“Immediate parent-infant skin-to-skin study (IPISTOSS): study protocol of a randomised controlled trial on very preterm infants cared for in skin-to-skin contact immediately after birth and potential physiological, epigenetic, psychological and neurodevelopmental consequences”    Linner A, Westrup B,Lode-Kol K, Klemming S, Lillieskold S, Markhus Pike H, Morgan B, Bergman N, Rettedal S, Jonas W.   BMJ Open, 2020 Vol 10(7): e038938

Immediate “Kangaroo Mother Care” and Survival of Infants with Low Birth Weight.   Arya S, Naburi H, Kawaza K, Newton S, Anyabolu CH, Bergman N, et al.   N Engl J Med. 2021;384(21):2028-38

“An Assessment of the Practice of Kangaroo Mother Care Among Staff in the Specialised Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Orotta Paediatric Hospital, Asmara, Eritrea”     Elsa Semere Araya*, Jawaya Shea, Nils Bergman.  American Journalof Nursing Science 2022 Vol 11(1): 6-19

“Effective communication about pregnancy, birth, lactation, breastfeeding and newborn care: the importance of sexed language”    Karleen D Gribble, Melissa C Bartick, Roger Mathisen, Shawn Walker, Jennifer Gamble, Nils J Bergmann, Arun Gupta, Susan Bewley, Jennifer J Hocking and Hannah G Dahlen.    Frontiers in Global Woman’s Health   doi: 10.3389/fgwh.2022.818856