Susan Ludington

Susan Ludington’s “KCBIB”

Susan Ludington maintains the  KCBIB (Kangaroo Care Bibliography) – the single greatest resource in existence on “Kangaroo Care”. This is an annotated bibliography of all publications and informations on Kangaroo care. The version that can be downloaded here was updated in April 2017. This is also available direct from her as she updates it. You can contact her via


Susie is also the Executive Director of the United States Institute for Kangaroo Care (USIKC).

Outcome CHARTS: these updated by Susie ongoing to May 2014 (more than 40 new charts since 2010). From the above KCBIB, Susie extracts all described outcomes, and collates these in separate documents (charts). These can be downloaded from the links that follow.  There are more than 160 of these, and all of them are included in the following table.

Activity Anxiety Apnea Arm circumf’ Attachment Attention
Baby Friendly Barriers to KC Basal Met’ rate Behavioral organization Beta endorphin Bilirubin
Birth KC Blood Glucose Blood pressure BOOKS BPD Bradycardia
Brain activation Brain studies Breastfeeding Breastfeeding exclusive Carbon dioxide Cardiac – congenital
Cerebral oxygenation Cesarean section Chest circumference Community KC Compassionate KC Congential heart defect
Contra-indications Co-regulation synchrony Cortisol COST CPAP during KC Crying
Depression Desaturations Development Developmental care Developmental interventions Diaper change
Diarrhea Discharge and Post Duration of KC Early KC Emotion in infant Epidural
Episiotomy Essential care of the newborn Family Friendly Feeds in KC FiO2 concentration Full term
Gastrin Gavage feeds GER Guidelines HCT Head circumference
Heart Rate variability Heart rate Hemoglobin Home environment Implementation Incubators
Infection INK Interaction Intervening variable IUGR IVH
KC Fathers paternal Late preterm KC FULLTERM Learning to do KC Legal KC Length of Stay
Length Life threatening events Little KC being done Massage Maternal behavior Maternal depression
Maternal Employment Maternal feelings Maternal scent Maternal sleep Maternal vs pickup infant Mean Arterial pressure
Memory Mental health infant Metaanalyses Micropreemie Morbidity
Mortality Music & KC Near term problems Negative outcomes Neonatal abstinence NICU admissions
Odor recognition Oxygen consumption Oxygen saturation Oxygen desaturations Oxytocin Pain
Parents as providers Paternal feelings Paternal KC Pediatric KC PEEP Periodic breathing
PIP (Peak insp pressure) Placenta Post surgical Postpartum hemorrhage Post-partum KC Practice surveys
Prolactin Prone position Quality improvement Randomized Controlled trials Readmissions Relaxation
Residual effects Respiratory distress Respiratory Rate Retinopathy of prematurity Reviews of KC Routine KC
Safety Satisfaction Self regulation Separation Serum bilirubin Sleep
Smaller, sicker, younger … Stability Staff issues State regulation Still face Stillbirth history
Stress Substance abuse Suction KC Support for KC Surrogate KC Survey BIB
Swaddling holding vs KC TcPO2 Temperament Temperature Tests Thyroid
Transfusions Transfer Transport Twin and multiples Umbilical lines   art & ven Vagal tone
Ventilated KC Weight change Years of pubs 3rd world reports  Wrap appraisals


Swavek Haduc   (1958 – 2014)

As Susie was completing the updates of these charts, Swavek died suddenly and unexpectedly. Swavek and Susie were married for 18 years, and Swavek provided a wonderful and stable base for Susie during this time. I post this here to his memory.

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