Talks and lectures
The content of topics that Jill talks about is described on this website.
Jill is available to speak internationally also, more information can be found on LactSpeak.
All talks and presentations have clear learning objectives and content outlines available. Some examples of talk titles with brief content follow:
1. Parenting starts at birth
With skin-to-skin contact, the newborn has amazing abilities to breastfeed and begin development of social and emotional intelligence. The key is the early sensitive period, even at caesarean.
2. Helping health professionals to help parents at birth
Latest neuroscience puts the mother as primary caregiver from birth. Nurses need a new role – to teach parents practical skills of skin-to skin contact, breastfeeding and early parenting.
3. Developmental care for parents of prematures
New evidence shows how vital it is to put the preterm baby onto mother’s chest. This talk empowers the mother with information and practical skills to best support her sensitive baby’s development.
4. Parent-centred Developmental Care for NICU staff
This talk is for staff to make the complex neuroscience and scary NICU accessible for parents; and to empower parents with practical skills in developmental care, while coping emotionally with a preterm.
5. Early Parenting informed by neuroscience
Early skin to skin contact and breastfeeding change parents’ brains to make parenting so much easier. This neuroscience helps parents to discern a way through conflicting advice from our culture.
She is prepared to customise content to different needs and situations, for example:
“Kangaroo Mother Care: Practical implementation in private sector”, which was presented at SENSITIVE MIDWIFERY CONFERENCE (Midrand, 4 May 2012, 12h30 – 13h15).
Talks based on the films:
An effective teaching method is to show the audience chapters of the films Jill has produced, with question and answer sessions. This works well in a workshop context, for “structured time teaching” it requires a moderator keeping track of questions and time!
“Grow Your Baby’s Brain” has five chapters, each around ten minutes. Ideally this should be seen by all prospective parents before birth, but is valuable for all ages to better understand the needs of newborns and support their parents.
“Hold Your Prem – the film” can be divided in many ways according to audience and needs, and can also be complemented by access to the book.