
For ONLINE TALKS my availability to speak is not a problem, even if I am traveling somewhere else!
However, real life visits have greater impact for motivation to change and for imparting practical skills.
In the following table are visits that are scheduled, including also online talks identified as such.
Dates are marked thatwe have specially set aside to be able to travel, but we can travel other times also.



 Contact us to discuss requests and book.
  4th – 17th April 2024     ONLINE  Kangaroula Training with BirthWorks International (BWI)
3rd May 2024     ONLINE Convention “XI Trobades”, Valencia Spain. Contact ACCV
8th May  2024    ONLINE Sensitive Midwifery Symposium, South Africa    Margreet
15th May 2024                     LIVE Nascer Prematuro, Lisbon Portugal      Contact Elsa
16th – 18th May 2024         LIVE “Zero Separation Tour Belgium”      Noahs Ark
       UZ Antwerp     UZ Leuven      ZO Limburg
3rd June 2024     ONLINE GOLD Neonatal Online Conference   (Registration)
12th June 2024         LIVE visit  to   University Hospital October 12
13th June 2024         LIVE EISMP  Madrid Spain       Ibone Olza
15th June 2024        LIVE Barcelona Doula association
 7th – 10th September 2024  ONLINE  Kangaroula Training with BirthWorks International (BWI)
7th to 17th October 2024       NILS and JILL available South America
18th to 25th October 2024      LIVE Peru            hosted by Nancy

26th Oct  to 10th Nov   2024

   NILS and JILL available South America
November – December NILS and Jill available


March 2025 NILS and JILL available